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Public offer

AirNexx User Agreement

Public Offer User Agreement

This User Agreement regulates the relationship between the Limited Liability Partnership «AirNexx» BIN 220740016492 (hereinafter - the Site Administration) https://tournexx.kz/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site) and the users of the Site on the placement on the site of comments and the use of materials of the Site.

Full and unconditional acceptance of this offer of the Site to the User about the conclusion of the Agreement shall be made by the User actions aimed at the use of the Site, including, search, viewing or submission of announcements, registration on the site, leaving comments, sending messages via the form of communication and other actions to use the functionality of the Site.

Read carefully these Terms and Conditions before using the Site.

You are bound by the terms of the Agreement and the Rules by accessing this Site, using its contents and any services (services) offered on the Site. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, you may not use the Site or its contents, any services offered on it, or visit the pages hosted in the domain zone of the Site.

The User Agreement can be changed at any time without any special notification to the User. A new version of the User Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its placement on the Site, unless otherwise expressly stated on the Site. Regular review of the current version of the User Agreement is the responsibility of the User.

The use of the Site after the entry into force of the new version of the User Agreement means acceptance of the User and application of the provisions of the new version to it in full.

- Terms and definitions
- General provisions
- Limited liability of the Site Administration
- Copyright
- Settlement of disputes
- Reviews on the website
- Other provisions

1. Terms and definitions

In this User Agreement, the terms listed below have the following meaning:

Website Administration - Limited Liability Partnership «AirNexx». https://TourNexx.kz and/or Website - Internet resource, representing a set of information system information and intellectual property objects (including, computer program, database, graphical interface (design) etc.), which is accessible from various user devices connected to the Internet, through a special software for browsing web pages (browser) at https://TourNexx.kz (including domains of the following levels related to these addresses)

User - visitor of Internet resources, including https://TourNexx.kz

User Agreement - this Agreement, the Terms of Use of the Site, located at https://TourNexx.kz/offer. and other rules and documents regulating the operation of the Site or determining the use of the Services published on the Site.

Tools - features, services, tools available to Users on the Site.

Service - any product, product, service, job offer or other offer for which the Administration of the Site places on https://TourNexx.kz Ad.

Announcement - information message with the offer of the Service (including contact information, photos and any related information), posted by the Administration Site on https://TourNexx.kz, addressed to an undetermined circle of persons.

Customer/Tourist - User, who performs viewing of the posted announcement about the Service on the Site and agrees to conclude a transaction regarding the Service.

Account data - a unique login (e-mail address, telephone) and password created by the User during the Registration process on the Site or changed in the future by the User through the Personal account, used to access the Personal Account after authorization of the User on the Site.

Personal account - the personal section of the User on the Site, connected to the User account on the Site, in which the User can manage individual Services of the Site, including their order, connection/disconnection, on the terms proposed by the Site.

Registration — a set of User’s actions in accordance with the instructions specified on the Site, including the provision of Account data and other information, committed by the User using a special form of user interface of the Site in order to form a Personal Account and get access to individual Services of the Site.

Information — any materials and information provided by the User of the Site in connection with the use of https://TourNexx.kz.

2. General provisions

2.1. The site is a public information resource for users and carries out its activities in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2.2. Relations related to the use of the Site shall be governed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this User Agreement.

2.3. The User Agreement is a public offer. By starting to use the Site, the user automatically joins the User Agreement and fully accepts its terms.

2.4. The current version of the User Agreement is available at: https://TourNexx.kz/offer.

2.5. The Administration of the Site may modify the User Agreement at any time at its discretion.

2.6. If the user does not agree to the User Agreement or its specific terms and conditions, he is obliged to cease using the Site and any of its materials.

2.7. By accessing the Site and thus entering into this User Agreement, the User guarantees that he has all the rights and powers necessary to conclude and execute the User Agreement, including an adult and fully capable person, or a minor declared by decision of the authorized body to be fully capable (emancipation) or a minor, Having reached the age of fourteen and having received written permission in the form required by law from their parents or other legal representatives to conclude the User Agreement. The Site has the right at any time to request from the User the provision of information and documents confirming the rights and authorities as indicated above.

2.8. Regardless of the fact of registration or authorization of the User on the Site, use of the Site, including viewing the information placed on the Site, means acceptance by the User of this Agreement and acceptance of the obligations to follow the instructions for the use of the Services, as well as responsibility for actions related to the use of the Site.

2.9. The Services provided on the Site at any time can be changed, supplemented, updated, change the form and nature of the functional capabilities without prior notification of the User, therefore, their use is offered in the mode «as is», i.e. the type and scope, where they are provided to the Site at the time of access to the User Services. The Site has the right, if necessary at its own discretion, to terminate (temporarily or permanently) the provision of Services (or any separate functions within the Services) to all Users in general or to a separate User, in particular, without prior notice.

2.10. The Site has the right to block the User in case of his acceptance of gross and disrespectful attitude towards the employees of the Site Administration, including during a telephone conversation, expressed in the use of abnormal vocabulary or other words that can be considered as an insult, slander, degradation of human dignity, etc.

2.11. As part of the use of the Site, the User undertakes to provide only reliable Information and bears full responsibility for the information provided by him. The User undertakes to update the Information in a timely manner by editing it on the Site. The Site has the right to request and the User is obliged to provide upon such request documents and information necessary to determine the User as a party to the User Agreement and/or the party using the Service concerned, as well as documents confirming the authenticity of the Information submitted and the lawfulness of the use/offer of the Service.

2.12. The User undertakes to act solely in accordance with the applicable legislation and the Site User Agreement, and to bear in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan full responsibility for their own actions and inaction on the Site and when using the Services.

2.13. The Administration of the Site shall treat with respect and responsibility the confidential information of the User who has become a visitor to the Site. By accepting this Agreement the User gives consent to the collection and use of certain information about the User in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Kazakhstan «On Personal Data Protection» and the policy of the Administration of the Site on the protection of personal data. In addition, the User agrees that the Administration of the Site may collect, use, transmit, process and maintain information related to the User’s account for the purpose of providing appropriate services.

2.14. The site contains hyperlinks to other sites in the Internet (hereinafter - Third Party Sites). The specified third parties and their information (content) shall not be checked by the Site Administration for compliance with any requirements (authenticity, completeness, legality, malware, etc.). The Administration of the Site is not responsible for any information, materials placed on the websites of third parties, to which the User accesses using the Site, including for any opinions or statements expressed on the sites of third parties, advertising, etc., as well as for the accessibility of such sites or content and the consequences of their use by the User.

2.15. The link (in any form) to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature, placed on the Site, shall not constitute approval or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by the Administration of the Site, except as appropriate, when this is directly indicated by the Site.

3. Copyright

3.1. Exclusive copyrights to the site, its title, articles and other works published on the site belong to the Site Administration.

3.2. Any use of articles from the Site, as well as any other materials, including reproduction and distribution by any means, public display, disclosure, copying (full and partial), translation, alteration, prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder (Site Administration).

3.3. Citation of articles is possible under the conditions specified in para. 2.5. User Agreement.

3.4. When quoting any articles from the Site on the Internet must refer to the source in the form of an active, not closed from indexing by search engines link to the article. When quoting articles from the Site in printed editions, reference to the Site is obligatory.

4. Limitation of liability of the Site Administration

4.1. The Administration of the Site does not bear any responsibility for any errors, typos and inaccuracies that may be found in the materials contained on the Site. The Administration of the Site shall make all necessary efforts to ensure the accuracy and accuracy of the information provided on the Site. All information and materials are provided under "as is" conditions, without any warranty, either explicit or implied.

4.2. The information on the Site is constantly updated and at any moment may become outdated. The Administration of the Site is not responsible for the receipt of outdated information from the Site, as well as for the User’s inability to receive updates of the information stored on the Site.

4.3. The Administration of the Site does not bear any responsibility for statements and opinions of the Users of the Site, left as comments, reviews or reviews. The opinion of the Site Administration may not coincide with the opinion and position of the authors of reviews and comments. At the same time, the Administration of the Site takes all possible measures to prevent the publication of messages that violate current legislation or norms of morality.

4.4. The Administration of the Site is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User against third parties or third parties regarding the User.

4.5. The Administration of the Site is not responsible for statements of the User made or published on the Site.

4.6. The Administration of the Site shall not be liable for damage, losses or expenses (real or possible) arising from the use or impossibility of using the Site.

4.7. The Administration of the Site is not responsible for the User’s loss of access to its account - credentials on the Site.

4.8. The Administration of the Site is not responsible for incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect indication by the User of its data during creation of User’s credentials.

4.9. In case of problems of the Site, disagreement with specific sections of the User Agreement, or receipt by the User of false information from third parties, or information of an offensive nature, any other unacceptable information, please contact the Administration of the Site in order to allow the Administration of the Site to analyze and correct the corresponding defects, limit and prevent the arrival of undesirable information to the Site, as well as, if necessary, to limit or terminate the obligation to provide its services to any User and Customer who deliberately violates the provisions of the Agreement and the operation of the Site.

4.10. For the purposes of the foregoing, the Administration of the Site reserves the right to delete the information contained on the Site and to take technical and legal measures to terminate the access to the Site of Users creating according to the conclusion of the Administration of the Site, problems in the use of the Site by other Users, or Users who violate the requirements of the Agreement.

5. Settlement of disputes

5.1. The Administration of the Site takes a negative view of the infringement of copyright on published materials and for its part makes every effort to prevent such infringements on the Site.

5.2. If you are the author or copyright holder of exclusive rights, including exclusive rights of reproduction, public display, disclosure, and believe that your rights are in any way violated by the use of the Site, we ask you to contact the Administration of the Site immediately by e-mail.

5.3. According to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Administration of the Site is ready to consider any contentious issues within the framework of the pre-trial (claim or other) settlement procedure.

5.4. For this purpose it is necessary to send to the Administration of the Site a scan of the letter signed by the Copyright Holder or his authorized representative, in which to specify the following data:

information about the object of copyright (name of the work or product, document confirming the ownership or copyright to the image, etc.);

information about the Copyright Holder (for a legal entity - full name of the organization, legal address, scan of the document of state registration;

for a natural person - name, passport data);

information about the representative of the Copyright Holder who signed the letter (name, position, scan of power of attorney, for the General Director - scan of the order/protocol of appointment);

the address of the page of the Site where the materials to which the rights belong to the Copyright Holder are located;

description of the nature of the violation of rights (why the dissemination of this information is prohibited by the Copyright Holder);

date, signature;

contact details: telephone, e-mail.

5.5. The Administration of the Site shall consider the application within a period not exceeding 20 (twenty) calendar days. In case if the Administration of the Site finds the request justified, the relevant materials will be removed from the Site immediately.

5.6. The Administration of the Site pursues violation of its copyright, including in court.

5.7. If you wish to use any of the works located on the site, you must contact the Administration of the Site for consent. Otherwise, the use of the works will be illegal and the Administration of the Site reserves the right to submit a claim in the framework of the pre-trial settlement of the dispute or in court.

6. Reviews on the site

6.1. Users on the site can leave feedback. In the reviews, users can express their opinions and disseminate any facts, except those that are prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as paragraph 4.3. User agreement.

6.2. For the content and form of the information contained in the reviews, the user is independently responsible. The User guarantees the Administration of the Site that all information contained in the left review is valid.

6.3. User feedback is pre-edited and published on the site after approval by the Site Administration.

6.4. The Administration of the Site has the right to delete, edit, change reviews at its own discretion without explaining the reasons to the authors of reviews. The Administration shall delete any comments that are not in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and/or 4.5. and 4.6. this user agreement.

6.5. On the site are prohibited reviews that contain:

insult and slander, misleading information disseminated, information on private life, personal and family secrets, profanity, extremist statements, advertising, commercial offers, links to other Internet sites; spam and trolling. 6.6. Revocation violating intellectual property rights of third parties is not allowed.

7. Other provisions

7.1. This User Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of the User’s use of the Site, regardless of the fact of User’s registration or receipt of Services on the Site, and shall be valid indefinitely.

7.2. The User is independently responsible to third parties for his actions related to the use of information from the Site.

7.3.The user agrees that the articles on the site are accompanied by advertising. The Administration of the Site bears no responsibility and has no obligation in connection with such advertising.

7.4. The User is prohibited from carrying out actions aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Site.

7.5. The User is warned that the Administration of the Site is not responsible for visiting and using the external sites linked to the Site.

You are not allowed to use the features of the Site and to visit pages located in the domain name area https://TourNexx.kz/ in case of not agreeing with this Agreement and Rules, please leave our site immediately.

7.6. Any disputes and/or disagreements arising from this User Agreement or in connection therewith shall be subject to final settlement in the permanent International Arbitration of the Eurasian Economic Area in accordance with the current Rules.

The User confirms that he is familiar with all the provisions of this Agreement and accepts them unconditionally.